Saturday, June 7, 2014

Streetcar arrivals broken, for the time being

Sorry, but the folks that provide the Streetcar arrives times (not TriMet!) changed the way it works and so broke PDX Bus.  I'm not able to fix it quickly, so it will be broken for a while.  However, there is a way to work around it.

In the app, go to settings.  Scroll down to where it says "Tracker link" and turn that on (see below):

Then when you see a stop with no arrivals like below, choose "Check TriMet web site" and you'll get the arrivals.

Then you'll see the web page with arrivals:


Flaneur said...

Can you post a rough estimate of when you think the fix will be done? That would help users decide whether to invest the time to look for another app.

Teleportaloo said...

I've made a fix and requested an expedited review from Apple... so could be next week.

Teleportaloo said...

It's all fixed now...