Sunday, November 24, 2013

iOS7 update in progress - new icon too!

I am still working on the update for iOS7.  It'll look something like this when it's done...

... and here's the new flatter icon from Rob Alan....

I can't promise when this will be released.  I'm still tweaking a few things, but hopefully by the end of this year.


Brianna said...

I am somewhat new to this app, so please forgive me if this question has been asked before or if I'm being a silly noob... Is there a way to set the app to actually alert you to rider alerts, much like the emails sent out for MAX, specific bus lines, etc? If there's something going on with selected lines, I would love to have the app alert me. Right now, I have to proactively check "Rider Alerts" if I think there could potentially be a problem. Am I just missing a setting somewhere?

Also, is there a way to search your blog, so I could see if someone has already asked this question? I hate to have you repeat yourself :p

Thank you for the work you do - love the app!

~ Brianna

Brianna said...

I am somewhat new to this app, so please forgive me if this question has been asked before or if I'm being a silly noob... Is there a way to set the app to actually alert you to rider alerts, much like the emails sent out for MAX, specific bus lines, etc? If there's something going on with selected lines, I would love to have the app alert me. Right now, I have to proactively check "Rider Alerts" if I think there could potentially be a problem. Am I just missing a setting somewhere?

Also, is there a way to search your blog, so I could see if someone has already asked this question? I hate to have you repeat yourself :p

Thank you for the work you do - love the app!

~ Brianna

Teleportaloo said...

Brianna - I will post some instructions on alerts. Basically, no the app cannot do alerts, as I don't run my own server (which is what it would need). However, you can use twitter - I will explain how.

i added a search option to the blog - it never occurred to me until now...