Sunday, August 30, 2009

Tip: Update stop location database for new Transit Mall

Today the Max Yellow line and Vintage Trolley will start to use the new Transit Mall tracks, so these stations are now open. PDX Bus will work as normal... except that "Locate Nearby Stops" won't know about these new stops. I recommend choosing the "Update stop location database" for these stops to be found.

(Everything else will work just fine even if you don't update the stop database, it is only used for locating nearby stops).


Andy said...

Thanks for the tip. This is one of the best apps ever.

Lee David Rimar said...

Green line started running today.

Stops are listed on TrIMet's transt tracker and if you know the numbers you can get them in PDXBus.

When will it be in the database?

Teleportaloo said...

Portland Cyclist - yeah, I was on the Green Line today, it was fun!

Here is the deal with the Green Line and PDX Bus - all the information comes from TriMet, including the "Browse for Stop" and "Update Location Database" (all that happens when you update the database is that it browses every line for every stop and stores the location of each stop).

So, we are at the mercy of TriMet - as soon as they add the Green Line to the list of routes then it will appear, then updating the "Location Database" will get them. I will check tomorrow to see if it is up there - it may not appear until Monday, but I have no information from TriMet about when this will happen.

Lee David Rimar said...

> So, we are at the mercy of TriMet -

It's there this morning thanks!