Friday, August 21, 2009

Tip: Customize PDX Bus with settings

From the iPhone's main screen, if you choose "Settings" then scroll down to "PDX Bus" there are several different options you can change (this picture is from the next version so has a few more...)

Options include:
- make it display the last stop when it starts (this is ON by default, so if you don't like it, you can turn it OFF).
- make it display the trip planner at the start (this is OFF by default, I added it just in case someone used this a lot).
- bookmarks at the top (this is OFF by default, but it is great if you often use the same stops and don't often enter stop IDs. You won't have to scroll so much).

Have fun!


Adam said...

Does this app work over the 3G network? So far, it's only working when I have a wifi connection.

It was working over 3G this morning when I first downloaded it, but has since completely stopped working.

Am I doing something wrong?

Beth said...

App has stopped working for me today. Either loads up but doesn't display any info for the schedules or gets hung up on the loading screen and then crashes. I got this app to use while I was down here on vacation and I have to say I'm frustrated.

Teleportaloo said...

Hi Adam and Beth - sorry you are having difficulties - it seems that AT&T's 3G Network is not working very well today. I had 5 bars on 3G but neither PDX Bus nor Safari nor anything else was working. PDX Bus simply uses whatever network is available, and I have no control over AT&T or TriMet, either of which could stop working.

Right now the 3G network still appears to be having a problem in Portland (I can't use Safari and Google Maps didn't work either). One tip would be to switch over to Edge for the time being (use the Settings application, then General, then Network then choose "OFF" for "Enable 3G"). This worked for me and I was able to use the maps again. Again, I don't think this is a problem specific to PDX Bus as I also couldn't get anything to work.

Brad said...

I just wanted to thank you for this app, it's awesome! The 84 huh? I live out there too. ;)

Teleportaloo said...

Brad - thanks! Actually the 84 bus was just the one that was closest to Denver airport - I've never been on it.